Work History
Research supervision and leadership experience
Teaching Experience
Teaching Merits
Research Funds
Research outputs
Memberships and positions of trust in scientific societies
Awards, Prize and Acknowledgments
Khalil Gholami

Khalil Gholami



Passionate Associate Professor with more than 20 years of experience engaging in teaching and researching educational and learning sciences and technology in secondary, higher, and teacher education. As a curriculum developer, designed and conducted professional development programs for promoting the pedagogical skills and learning knowledge of novice faculty staff. At the policy level, has been the Virtual Education Council secretary at university level bringing proven success in developing and implementing technology-based curriculum, instruction, and assessment. Since 2005, has developed international network and collaboration in a scholarly context accomplishing significant scientific projects in educational sciences.




Work History

Associate Professor

University of Kurdistan
06.2017 - Current
  • Teaching different courses in educational sciences, educational technology, and instructional psychology for undergraduate, graduate, and postgraduate students (8 courses)
  • Supervising master's and Ph.D. theses and conducting independent and external research projects (4 theses per year)
  • Developing educational materials and curriculum for courses taught (8 courses per year).
  • Collaborated with faculty and community stakeholders for program improvement (8 workshops and plans).

Docent in Educational Sciences

University of Helsinki
09.2016 - Current
  • Teaching online courses in research methodology and statistical analysis for Ph.D. students (three courses).
  • Supervising doctoral students (two students)
  • Conducting international research projects (4 projects)
  • Collaborating with research group School, Pedagogy and Culture at the University of Helsinki

Assistant Professor, Lecturer

University of Kurdistan Iran
09.2009 - 05.2017
  • Teaching different courses in educational sciences, educational technology, and instructional psychology for undergraduate and graduate students (5-9 courses)
  • Supervising master theses and conducting independent and external research projects (3 students per year)
  • Developing educational materials and curriculum for courses taught (5-9 courses_.
  • Established research agenda in educational sciences to publish in peer-reviewed journals ( 1 research agenda per year).
  • Designing, developing, and conducting pedagogical workshops for faculty professional development at the University of Kurdistan ( 2 workshops per year).

Postdoctoral Researcher

University of Helsinki
08.2011 - 08.2013
  • Conducted an international research project on teacher education and moral sensitivity (3 countries engaged).
  • Published research results in peer-reviewed journals and presented at seminars and meetings (4 papers).
  • Taught courses in educational sciences for Master's and Bachelor's programs (4 courses).
  • Supervising doctoral students (1 doctoral student)

Chair of Teaching and Teacher Research Institute

Minister of Education
09.1998 - 12.2004
  • Developing and conducting evaluation and mentoring programs for assessing pedagogical competencies of teachers (2 programs per year)
  • Developing professional programs for elementary and secondary teachers (one program per year).
  • Conducting action research for solving pedagogical challenges in schools (3-5 collaborative research)
  • Organizing professional meetings for different subjects and class teachers (one meeting per month).

Teacher educator

Minister of Education
02.1993 - 09.1998
  • Taught courses in fields of educational psychology, educational technology, and teaching models for pre-service teachers (24 hours of teaching per week)
  • Prepared quizzes, tests, and examinations to gauge how well students were learning (three tests and quizzes per month for each course).


Ph.D. - Educational Sciences

University of Helsinki
Helsinki, Finland

Master of Arts - Educational Planning

University of Tehran
Tehran, Iran

Bachelor of Arts - Educational Technology

University of Tabriz
Tabriz, Iran


  • Curriculum designing and development
  • Instruction technology and virtual education
  • MOOC and Learning Management System (LMS)
  • Teaching methods and pedagogical expert
  • Statistical analysis and software
  • Experts in research designs and approaches
  • Educational and strategic planning skills and knowledge
  • Expert in general pedagogy and didactics


Kurdish, Persian
Native language

Research supervision and leadership experience

  • Supervision experience : I have supervised 40 Master dissertations and 6 doctoral dissertations at the University of Kurdistan, other universities in Iran and the University of Helsinki. I am supervising 4 ongoing doctoral and 4 master theses. I have also acted as the opponent of 6 doctoral and 24 master theses in national and international universities.
  • Leadership Experience : I was the leader or principal researcher in the following research projects: Land-use planning for higher education institutions in the province of Kurdistan (the number of researchers engaged in the project were 4 PhD students and 10 faculty members from different disciplines); Assessment of high school students' needs and curriculum development in Province of Kurdistan, Iran (The numbers of researchers engaged were 5 experienced teachers); Studying the family awareness of pathological internet use and its effects on young children and adolescents in Kurdistan ( The numbers of researchers engaged were 5 experts in psychology and internet field); National consensus in Kurdistan: How to enhance national agreement in Kurdistan (the number of researchers engaged were 5 graduated Master students in sociology and cultural studies). In all of these projects I developed the research proposals, supervised and organized the research activities conducted by the members of the projects.

Teaching Experience

  • Total teaching experiences

University of Kurdistan (11 years, each year 384 hours); University of Helsinki (2 years and 3 months, each year 150 hours of teaching), Teacher training college (5 years and 7 months, each year 768 hours of teaching, the sum of 4224 hours of teaching), other teaching experiences: 56 hours. Total teaching experience: working 8654 hours

Teaching Merits

  • Pedagogical training and competence : ·My main expertise is teaching and teacher education; I worked as a researcher in the Centre for Research on Teaching at the University of Helsinki from 2005-2009 and did my thesis on Teachers ‘practical knowledge. I did also my postdoc research on teachers ‘ethical sensitivity in Iran and Finland
  • My Bachelor and Master degree included 80 Credits of pedagogical and teaching training
  • More than 60 percent of my publications address teaching and teacher education
  • Development of teaching methods: Designing, developing, and conducting training workshop on teaching methods for Faculty members at the University of Kurdistan. The workshops conducted in 2010, 2013,2014,2015,2016. The audience were faculty members from following disciplines: engineering, science, agriculture, social sciences and literature.

Research Funds

09/01/2017-09/05/2022, Research project (Strategic planning for higher education institutions in the province of Kurdistan); Funded by Government of Kurdistan; I was the principal researcher of the project.

  • 10/04/2014-10/04/2016; Research project: Assessment of high school students' needs and curriculum development in Province of Kurdistan; Funded by Kurdistan General Office of Education, Iran; (This project was awarded the second best research project in the country); Principle researcher
  • 10/2013-09/2015; Research project: Family awareness of pathological internet use and its effects on young children and adolescents in province of Kurdistan; Funded by Government of Kurdistan, Iran; Principle researcher
  • 8/2011-08.2013, Teacher Moral competence in Finland and Iran, Funded by University of Helsinki; Principle researcher.
  • 09/2001-09/2003; Research project: National consensus in Kurdistan: How to enhance national agreement in province of Kurdistan; Funded by Iran's Ministry of Culture; Principle researcher

Research outputs

  • Total number of publications : I have published 58 scientific articles in books, journals and international conferences related to educational sciences, particularly teaching and teacher education. The total citations to my works are 544 to date based on goggle scholar citation. This citation is only for my international publications. Considering citation of the publications, I have the first rank among faculty members in department of educational sciences and the second rank among faculty members in Humanities, Social sciences and Literature at the University of Kurdistan; In curriculum and teaching studies, I am among the top ten scholars in Iran who their publications have the highest impact and citations in international journals.

NB . More than 60 percent of my publications is published in Persian, for which there is no citation records in international databases.

Memberships and positions of trust in scientific societies

  • 09/2017-present; Member of Central Parents and Educators Association for all schools in the province of Kurdistan, Iran (This association organizes the pedagogical activities between schools' community and families).
  • 04/2016- present; Editorial member of the Journal for Research on Teacher Education, Teacher Education University (Farhangian University)
  • 04/2016-04/2018; Associate editor of the Journal Research in Teaching; University of Kurdistan Iran
  • 06/2016- present; Iranian Representative member in the International Studies Association for teaching and teachers
  • 2013-present; Council's Scientific member of Iran's Encyclopedia for Curriculum Studies; Iranian Association for Curriculum Studies; Iran.
  • 06/2006-present; Member of International Studies Association for Teaching and Teachers (ISATT)

Awards, Prize and Acknowledgments

  • 2015; Prize for the top researcher, University of Kurdistan
  • 2015; Prize for the country's second-best research project of the year, Ministry of Education, Iran
  • 2007; The Excellent International Student Grant of the year, awarded by University of Helsinki
  • 2006; The Excellent International Student Grant of the year, awarded by University of Helsinki
  • Full Ph.D. scholarship for the national five top students in educational Sciences, Ministry of Science, Research and Technology, Iran, 2005-2009.


Associate Professor

University of Kurdistan
06.2017 - Current

Docent in Educational Sciences

University of Helsinki
09.2016 - Current

Postdoctoral Researcher

University of Helsinki
08.2011 - 08.2013

Assistant Professor, Lecturer

University of Kurdistan Iran
09.2009 - 05.2017

Chair of Teaching and Teacher Research Institute

Minister of Education
09.1998 - 12.2004

Teacher educator

Minister of Education
02.1993 - 09.1998

Ph.D. - Educational Sciences

University of Helsinki

Master of Arts - Educational Planning

University of Tehran

Bachelor of Arts - Educational Technology

University of Tabriz
Khalil Gholami